Workshop Program

The workshop will take place on

Sunday, October 20, 2024.


  • h.09.00 - 09.15, Welcome, Organizing Committee

  • h.09.15 - 10.00, Invited Talk, Virginia Dignum The AI paradoxes - (chair: Roberta Calegari, University of Bologna)

  • h.10.00 - 10.30, Session 1 (chair: Roberta Calegari, University of Bologna)
  • (10 min. presentation + 2 min. questions per paper)
  • - Bastiaan Bruinsma, Annika Fredén, Kajsa Hansson, Moa Johansson, Pasko Kisić-Merino and Denitsa Saynova Setting the AI Agenda---Evidence from Sweden in the ChatGPT Era
  • - Lea Cohausz, Jakob Kappenberger and Heiner Stuckenschmidt Combining Fairness and Causal Graphs to Advance Both

  • h.10.30 - 11.00, Coffee Break

  • h.11.00 - 13.00, Session 2 (chair: TBD)
  • (10 min. presentation + 2 min. questions per paper)
  • - Matteo Magnini, Giovanni Ciatto, Roberta Calegari and Andrea Omicini Enforcing Fairness via Constraint Injection with FaUCI
  • - Aashutosh Ganesh, Mirela Popa, Daan Odijk and Nava Tintarev Does spatio-temporal information benefit the video summarization task?
  • - Luca Giuliani, Eleonora Misino, Roberta Calegari and Michele Lombardi Long-Term Fairness Strategies in Ranking with Continuous Sensitive Attributes
  • - Md Fahim Sikder, Resmi Ramachandranpillai, Daniel de Leng and Fredrik Heintz FairX: A comprehensive benchmarking tool for model analysis using fairness, utility, and explainability
  • - Angel Marrero, Gustavo Marrero, Carlos Bethencourt, Liam James and Roberta Calegari AI-fairness and equality of opportunity: a case study on educational achievement
  • - Mayra Russo and Maria-Esher Vidal Leveraging Ontologies to Document Bias in Data
  • - Manh Khoi Duong and Stefan Conrad Measuring and Mitigating Bias for Tabular Datasets with Multiple Protected Attributes
  • - Camilla Quaresmini and Giuseppe Primiero Data Quality Dimensions for Fair AI

  • h.13.00 - 14.00, Lunch Break

  • h.14.00 - 14.45, Invited Talk, Diletta Huyskes Technology of revolution. Progress and social battles from the microwave to artificial intelligence - (chair: TBD)

  • h.14.45 - 15.00, Session 3 (chair: TBD)
  • (10 min. presentation + 2 min. questions per paper)
  • - Chiara Manganini, Xenia Heilmann, Mattia Cerrato and Vaishak Belle A Neurosymbolic Approach to Counterfactual Fairness
  • - Thierry Poibeau Bias, Subjectivity and Norm
  • - Gabriele La Malfa, Jie M. Zhang, Michael Luck and Elizabeth Black Using Protected Attributes to Consider Fairness in Multi-Agent Systems
  • - Jingyu Hu, Jun Hong, Mengnan Du and Weiru Liu ProxiMix: Enhancing Fairness with Proximity Samples in Subgroups

  • h.15.30 - 16.00, Coffee Break

  • h.16.00 - 17.00, Session 4 - (chair: Andrea Borghesi, University of Bologna)
  • (10 min. presentation + 2 min. questions per paper)
  • - Moisés Santos, Carlos Soares and André de Carvalho Enhancing Algorithm Performance Understanding through tsMorph: Generating Semi-Synthetic Time Series for Robust Forecasting Evaluation
  • - Guillermo Villate Castillo, Borja Sanz and Javier del Ser Lorente Mitigating Toxicity in Dialogue Agents through Adversarial Reinforcement Learning
  • - Mae Sosto and Alberto Barrón-Cedeño QueerBench: Quantifying Discrimination in Language Models Toward Queer Identities
  • - Marion Bartl and Susan Leavy From Inclusive Language to Inclusive AI: A Proof-of-Concept Study into Pre-Trained Models
  • - Federico Sabbatini and Roberta Calegari Unmasking the Shadows: Leveraging Symbolic Knowledge Extraction to Discover Biases and Unfairness in Opaque Predictive Models

  • h.17.00 - 17.15, Final Remarks and Workshop Closing, Organizing Committee